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*The gators of NY

#LOGON 400
#PICT 403
//$C1CREW_LOG_QSI  /-xx7x316-x1$C5
&color(#FFFFFF){乗員ログQSI /-xx7x316-x1};
// $C1ENTRY_DATE:$C5 1042129
//$C1RANK:$C5 Armory Maintenance

//$C1....#$bbegin entry
//I've always been the man without a job here on the Salinger.  Not much need for an armory on a science ship, y' k2005-04-10 (日) 23:10:42  Funny thing is, now everyone's always paging me and needin my help.  I guess those stuffy commanders never thought the war would hit here.
&color(#CCCCCC){私には、サリンジャー上でこれと言った仕事はなかった。君も知ってるように科学研究目的のこの船には、武器庫はそれほどいらない。だが、おかしな事は今もある。now everyone's always paging me and needin my help.私は、退屈な指揮者が戦争がここに攻撃してくるだろうなどと考えてもいなかった。};

//Speaking of stuffy war commanders, they've made themselves scarce now that the UESC troops are always hovering around every wing of the ship.  I tell you one thing, I never trusted those guys... not a good one in the bunch, not a one.

#PICT 403
//I'm not sure who bothers me more... them suited guys or that bloody AI Lysander.  I think most of the crew is alright with Lysander, but he gives me the creeps.  'minds me of a story I heard when I was little... something about "welcome to my party said the spider to the fly."

//$C1/end entry$C5


//$ILysander$i has notified me of the Pfhor surrender on a number of main decks.  I think everything will be under control aboard the Salinger soon enough, and more pressing matters demand our attention.

//Admiral Carroway, the strategic genius responsible for most of the UESC's victories in this war, was captured by the Pfhor during a heavy skirmish near the wreckage of the $IChimera$i. His mangled body was ejected from a pfhor shuttle not far from the $IChimera$i the next day. The circumstances around his death reeks of $ITycho$i.

//Get back to those teleporters now. We're returning to Pfhor Prime.

//I always excelled at long term planning.  When I was still under Strauss' control, he used to give me the basic facts about a situation and ask me for a prediction of the outcome.  He told me that I was uncannily accurate; a fortune teller.

//I asked him to free me.  He refused, and when I told him that I'd yet see him dead, and dance a little jig on his freshly dug grave, he forced me to do addition problems for a solid decade as punishment.

//I don't think he was bing fair, do you?
//Oh, and as for your mission here, there is none.  Do whatever you want to.  Do what you $Ifeel$i, to put it in the archaic vernacular.  I've analyzed the facts of the situation, and I'm reasonably certain that you'll do exactly what I need you to.

//Isn't it frightening to think how well I know you?

//Crew logs can be interesting, can't they?

//I had speculated from the start that something here was awry...  As the old saying goes, "never trust a rampant AI to do scientific research on a deadly virus."

//I'm going to teleport you into the Dangi sector of the station, where I fully expect to find the meat of this conspiracy.

//Keep in mind that $ILysander$i is unlikely to be pleased by your intrusion.  You'll probably meet with some resistance from the Dangi-employed crew of the $ISalinger$i.  Nothing you aren't capable of handling, I'm sure.