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*T56.Rozinante VII
by Logue
 pfhor surrender プフォールに引き渡す
 a way to buy time 時間稼ぎ
 without your pants ズボンが無い → 丸腰で
 N'far'l ナファール


$C3<4 398y4 893>

//Welcome home.

// Apparently, the pfhor surrender after the initial attack was just a way to buy time until they could find what they came for in the first place.

// pick up your stuff, and then log on again. You wouldn't want to go into battle without your pants on now do you?
//Yes, I know the $IRozinante$i is being invaded by the pfhor. It's nothing my S'pht can't handle. Just ignore them. You've got more important things to do.
<98y 4598y>

//The pfhor have what they came for. I hope it isn't what I think it is.  We need to stop them from taking it back to Pfhor Prime, or worse, from sending it to Earth.

I'm teleporting you aboard the $IN'far'l$i, the flagship of Battle Group 3, where I need you to locate the bridge of the ship.  After you determine the whereabouts of the bridge, I will be able to target my attacks against it with enough precision so as to destroy the ship almost immediately.  Without the $IN'far'l,$i the rest of the pfhor fleet in the formation will have to fend for themselves, freeing me to slaughter them with impunity.

That's something I want very badly to do.  You are going to make it possible.