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*52.Rozinante III

//#LOGON 0
//#PICT 3
//bureaucracy 官僚制
//rad tape お役所的形式主義.red-tapism 
//harsh 粗い, ざらざらの; 不快な; (目に)どぎつい; (かすれて)耳ざわりな; 粗野な; 厳しい.
//insurrection 暴動、反乱
//rebellious 謀反の; 反抗的な, 扱いにくい

//The Pfhor prison system is well known for it's bureaucracy and red tape, as well as the harsh treatment of prisoners under its care.  Of the rebellious units sent into the care of the Pfhor homeworld's prison guards for "reconditioning" few come back with any will for insurrection.  Even fewer come back alive.

//#PICT 3
//wreckage 難破, 破壊; 残骸, 難破貨物
//manifests 積荷目録; 乗客名簿
//destination 目的地、行き先
//Admiral Carroway was likely transferred through the closest prisoner transit station, forty three kilometers west of the Chimera wreckage.  I need you to scour the area for prisoner manifests and locate Carroway's final destination.

//fortified 防備された、強化された
//The Pfhor are expecting the UESC to respond strongly to Carroway's capture, and have fortified the facility and entire surrounding landscape with automated defense drones.  I'm sending you in with a detachment of UESC troops to make your job easier. I'm also giving you a weighted suit, so the low gravity of Pfhor Prime won't let your weapon recoils send you flying.

//Be nice to those UESC troopers, as they still aren't quite sure what to make of you.
