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文字入りの画像に無理矢理日本語を入れるのは無理があるから、思い切って別の写真入れた。by Logue
*We Dream You









They'll say that things this bizarre don't make sense, reason doesn't apply, and that the world is not a logical place.  I think the problem is not that the world isn't logical, but that we don't understand logic as well as we thought.  How can you possibly understand logic?  With logic?  You can't see the eye you see with.  Or so they say.
#LOGON 200
#PICT 203

//Kate and I had been friends forever.  Almost since before we were born.  She was the kind of girl that we only see in movies ミ beautiful, intense, the embodiment of grace, passion, and will.  The kind you shouldn't stand a chance with, but end up pretending that you do.  Why she liked with me, I still don't know.  Why she at one point loved me, I don't think I'll ever know.  I don't know what she wanted, and how I could possibly have had even some of it.
&color(#CCCCCC){ケイトと私は竹馬の友だった。ずっと昔からお互いのことを知っていたようだ。彼女は映画の中に出てくる少女のように、美しく、優美を具現化したみたいで、情熱的だった。The kind you shouldn't stand a chance with,でも、行うふりは結局やっていた。なぜ、彼女は私に惹かれてたのだろう?わからない。なぜ、彼女は私だけを愛していたのか、自分の知るよしもない。私には、彼女が何を望んだのか、いや、私がそのうちのいくつかをもっていたのだろうか?};
#PICT 203

The memories I still can piece together are good ones, at least in the beginning.  So many hours at the lab the table and the computer and the walls and ceiling all blended together.  It was the time of my life.  My conscious mind was so shot from sleep-deprivation and caffeine I couldn't see the screen as I typed.  That's why the Wheeling Hubcap Factory higher-ups liked me.  The most frantic of the monkeys, with an infinite number of typewriters all to myself.  I didn't know what I was creating.  I didn't know why.  And I didn't care, because I was in heaven.  Or hell, it didn't matter.
#PICT 201