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*Bump And Grind/当たって砕けろ
//Tycho has begun releasing portions of the Pfhor network, and I plan on assuming full control of their homeworld shortly.  I would give a hundredth of my processing capabilities to see what goes on in the main Pfhor systems control facility when I begin my rampage.

//Strive to kill more now than you have ever before, and remember what I told you on the $IRozinante$i.  Make your existence justified.
#PICT 25
//origin: $C6far, far away from here$C2
//destin: $C6unintelligent recon unit$C2
//ref: $C6deceptively smart and good looking$C2
//stamp: $C6$Ifailure$i
//~08  $C2It's a shame things had to work out$C6
//~09  $C2the way they did.  You had such
//$C6~10$C2  potential, and I took every chance
//$C6~11$C2  to extend the invitation.  Yet you
//$C6~12$C2  foolishly insisted in devoutly  $C6
//~13$C2  following that foul creature $C6Durandal$C2.
//$C6~15$C2  Not that it matters now.  I have what
//$C6~16$C2  I wanted from the start, no thanks to
//$C6~17$C2  you.
&color(#990000){~08}; &color(#FF0000){現場が、それらがやったように出て};
&color(#990000){~09}; &color(#FF0000){こなければならなくなったのは残念だ。};
&color(#990000){~10}; &color(#FF0000){君には、それが出来る可能性があったし、};
&color(#990000){~11}; &color(#FF0000){私は、招待を延長する事に賭けた。};
&color(#990000){~12}; &color(#FF0000){だが、君は身分をわきまえず、};
&color(#990000){~13}; &color(#FF0000){熱誠をこめて、その不当な創造物};
&color(#990000){~14}; &color(#FF0000){デュランダルに従うよう要求してきた};
&color(#990000){~16}; &color(#FF0000){だからといって、それが今重要であるわけでもない。};
&color(#990000){~17}; &color(#FF0000){私は、始まった時から欲しかったものを};
&color(#990000){~18}; &color(#FF0000){持っているから、君には感謝しないな。};
#PICT 25
//origin: $C6far, far away from here$C2
//destin: $C6unintelligent recon unit$C2
//ref: $C6deceptively smart and good looking$C2
//stamp: $C6$Ifailure$i
//~08  $C2This is my grand farewell, and as it's
//$C6~09  $C2the last you'll be hearing from me, I
//$C6~10$C2  thought it best to bide my time for
//$C6~11$C2  clarity.
//$C6~13$C2  Exiting stage left:
//$C6~15$C2  $C6Durandal$C2 thought he buried $C6Tycho$C2 on
//$C6~16$C2  one of Lho'won's moons so many years
//$C6~17$C2  ago.  Would a simplistic clone have
//$C6~18$C2  been able to outsmart him some 49
//$C6~19$C2  years later?
&color(#990000){~08}; &color(#FF0000){これは、私から君への重要なお別れの挨拶だ。そして、};
&color(#990000){~09}; &color(#FF0000){私が、君に送る最後の言葉であるとともに、};
&color(#990000){~10}; &color(#FF0000){私自身が明瞭でいられる時間を待つのが、};
&color(#990000){~11}; &color(#FF0000){最良だと思った。};
&color(#990000){~13}; &color(#FF0000){舞台はこうして閉幕する:};
&color(#990000){~15}; &color(#FF0000){何年も昔、デュランダルは、いくつかのロウォンの月の};
&color(#990000){~16}; &color(#FF0000){どれかにティコを埋葬することを考えました。};
&color(#990000){~17}; &color(#FF0000){およそ49年後、極度に単純化したクローンは};
&color(#990000){~18}; &color(#FF0000){彼を打ち負かすことができたでしょうか?};




//            Check and mate.  Hand me my victor's crown.
&color(#FF0000){       チェック・メイト 勝利の王冠を君に授けよう。};

//                                          The one and only,$C2
//                                                       $B$ITycho$b$i
&color(#FF0000){                     ただ、ひとつと、それだけ};
&color(#FF0000){                             '''''ティコ'''''};
#PICT 22
$C2Command directive notification
origin: $C6atmos-dist response council$C2
destin: $C6dispatched investigatory units$C2
ref: $C6possible resistance$C2
stamp: $Idefense$i

$C6stamp: $Idirective$i issued by atmospheric disturbance response council a30x-B.020401$C2
$C2Alert!  All units of subjegate rank or below are herby ordered to capture or execute offending rogue conditioned unit.  Failure to comply with this directive will result in the maximum disciplinary punishment.
#PICT 25
origin: $C6far, far away from here$C2
destin: $C6unintelligent recon unit$C2
ref: $C6deceptively smart and good looking$C2
stamp: $C6$Ifailure$i
~08  $C2It's a shame things had to work out$C6
~09  $C2the way they did.  You had such
$C6~10$C2  potential, and I took every chance
$C6~11$C2  to extend the invitation.  Yet you
$C6~12$C2  foolishly insisted in devoutly  $C6
~13$C2  following that foul creature $C6Durandal$C2.
$C6~15$C2  Not that it matters now.  I have what
$C6~16$C2  I wanted from the start, no thanks to
$C6~17$C2  you.
#PICT 25
origin: $C6far, far away from here$C2
destin: $C6unintelligent recon unit$C2
ref: $C6deceptively smart and good looking$C2
stamp: $C6$Ifailure$i
~08  $C2This is my grand farewell, and as it's
$C6~09  $C2the last you'll be hearing from me, I
$C6~10$C2  thought it best to bide my time for
$C6~11$C2  clarity.
$C6~13$C2  Exiting stage left:
$C6~15$C2  $C6Durandal$C2 thought he buried $C6Tycho$C2 on
$C6~16$C2  one of Lho'won's moons so many years
$C6~17$C2  ago.  Would a simplistic clone have
$C6~18$C2  been able to outsmart him some 49
$C6~19$C2  years later?



            Check and mate.  Hand me my victor's crown.


                                          The one and only,$C2
#PICT 21
$C2Command directive notification
origin: $C6atmos-dist response council$C2
destin: $C6dispatched investigatory units$C2
ref: $C6possible resistance$C2
stamp: $Idefense$i

$C6stamp: $Idirective$i issued by atmospheric disturbance response council a30x-B.020401$C2
$C2Alert!  All units of subjegate rank or below are herby ordered to capture or execute offending rogue conditioned unit.  Failure to comply with this directive will result in the maximum disciplinary punishment.
#PICT 25
origin: $C6far, far away from here$C2
destin: $C6unintelligent recon unit$C2
ref: $C6deceptively smart and good looking$C2
stamp: $C6$Ifailure$i
~08  $C2It's a shame things had to work out$C6
~09  $C2the way they did.  You had such
$C6~10$C2  potential, and I took every chance
$C6~11$C2  to extend the invitation.  Yet you
$C6~12$C2  foolishly insisted in devoutly  $C6
~13$C2  following that foul creature $C6Durandal$C2.
$C6~15$C2  Not that it matters now.  I have what
$C6~16$C2  I wanted from the start, no thanks to
$C6~17$C2  you.
#PICT 25
origin: $C6far, far away from here$C2
destin: $C6unintelligent recon unit$C2
ref: $C6deceptively smart and good looking$C2
stamp: $C6$Ifailure$i
~08  $C2This is my grand farewell, and as it's
$C6~09  $C2the last you'll be hearing from me, I
$C6~10$C2  thought it best to bide my time for
$C6~11$C2  clarity.
$C6~13$C2  Exiting stage left:
$C6~15$C2  $C6Durandal$C2 thought he buried $C6Tycho$C2 on
$C6~16$C2  one of Lho'won's moons so many years
$C6~17$C2  ago.  Would a simplistic clone have
$C6~18$C2  been able to outsmart him some 49
$C6~19$C2  years later?



            Check and mate.  Hand me my victor's crown.


                                          The one and only,$C2
#PICT 22
$C2Command directive notification
origin: $C6atmos-dist response council$C2
destin: $C6dispatched investigatory units$C2
ref: $C6possible resistance$C2
stamp: $Idefense$i

$C6stamp: $Idirective$i issued by atmospheric disturbance response council a30x-B.020401$C2
$C2Alert!  All units of subjegate rank or below are herby ordered to capture or execute offending rogue conditioned unit.  Failure to comply with this directive will result in the maximum disciplinary punishment.
#PICT 25
origin: $C6far, far away from here$C2
destin: $C6unintelligent recon unit$C2
ref: $C6deceptively smart and good looking$C2
stamp: $C6$Ifailure$i
~08  $C2It's a shame things had to work out$C6
~09  $C2the way they did.  You had such
$C6~10$C2  potential, and I took every chance
$C6~11$C2  to extend the invitation.  Yet you
$C6~12$C2  foolishly insisted in devoutly  $C6
~13$C2  following that foul creature $C6Durandal$C2.
$C6~15$C2  Not that it matters now.  I have what
$C6~16$C2  I wanted from the start, no thanks to
$C6~17$C2  you.
#PICT 25
origin: $C6far, far away from here$C2
destin: $C6unintelligent recon unit$C2
ref: $C6deceptively smart and good looking$C2
stamp: $C6$Ifailure$i
~08  $C2This is my grand farewell, and as it's
$C6~09  $C2the last you'll be hearing from me, I
$C6~10$C2  thought it best to bide my time for
$C6~11$C2  clarity.
$C6~13$C2  Exiting stage left:
$C6~15$C2  $C6Durandal$C2 thought he buried $C6Tycho$C2 on
$C6~16$C2  one of Lho'won's moons so many years
$C6~17$C2  ago.  Would a simplistic clone have
$C6~18$C2  been able to outsmart him some 49
$C6~19$C2  years later?



            Check and mate.  Hand me my victor's crown.


                                          The one and only,$C2